Friday, May 31, 2013

Beatles Style Electric Guitar

A friend of mine Paul restores old guitars that he picks up at bargain basement prices and spends a lot of time and skill making them play again and look beautiful. He lent me this guitar to photograph, it's a replica version of a Hofner violin bass guitar, perhaps it looks familiar, Paul McCartney used to play the original Hofner guitar with the Beatles in the nineteen sixties.

This guitar was photographed in my studio and I included a vinyl LP record and the American Stars and Stripes flag to make a still life evoking memories of the rock scene of the sixties.

You can buy a framed print or canvas HERE

Art Prints

Thursday, May 30, 2013

French Balcony

French Balcony

I was in Grasse, France  the centre of the perfume industry in France, a beautiful town in the Alpes Maritimes department a sub prefecture of the French Riviere. The town has beautiful architecture, as I was walking around the centre of town I saw this beautiful apartment above some shops, it was very hot and sunny and the blind on the balcony was keeping the interior of the home cool. Every where in France people have a love affair with geranium plants you see the red flowers adoring homes and of course this beautiful balcony in Grasse.

You can get your own print HERE

Photography Prints

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Capitolio Building Havana Cuba

One of my favourite places to visit is Havana Cuba, this city is a photographers paradise of rich architecture, wonderful people and culture. I researched using street maps and sunrise sunset maps of Havana to locate the perfect spot to photograph the iconic and famous Capitolio building that is under going extensive renovations and is closed to the public, I knew I had to get high up and found a secret place to get this stunning view. I took this shot as the afternoon sun was starting to set, getting that rich golden sunlight that tells you how warm it was. This photograph was taken in February 2013 and is one of my favourites.

You can buy a canvas or regular print of this photograph from HERE 

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cape Spear Newfoundland

The Original Cape Spear Lighthouse built in 1836 is the most easterly point on the continent of North America, this is where the sunrise is first visible each morning before anywhere else in America or Canada. This lighthouse has been replaced by a traditional shaped structure in 1955 close by. Cape Spear is a Canadian National Historic Park and a must see if you are ever in St John's Newfoundland, it's a short drive to Cape Spear and the beautiful rugged coastline.

I took this photograph after driving before dawn darkness and patiently waited for the first rays of sunshine to rise above the Atlantic Ocean and was rewarded by a spectacular early morning scene where I had the whole coastline and park to myself.

You can buy a print or card from HERE

Art Prints

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day a day to remember the fallen service men and women of the American armed forces from the Revolutionary soldiers of the Civil War to the present day.

This photograph was inspired by the flag of the United States of America, the Stars and Stripes and the clothing that has defined America for a century or more denim. I wanted to illustrate either the industrial success of the United States or the pioneer spirit that settled the west and brought us the pioneers and cowboys and also a tip of the hat to the sixties and the baby boomers who made jeans the clothing of choice for every generation since that.

I folded a small American flag and put it in a back pocket of a pair of jeans to create a graphically clean image with striking colors.

You can buy a print or greetings card HERE

Art Prints

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Montreal Convention Centre

I have an ongoing project to photograph Montreal for stock photography, one of my favourite buildings is The Palais des congrès de Montréal with it's beautiful wall of coloured glass. I was lucky enough to have a bright sunny day with sunlight streaming through the coloured glass wall, reflecting the colours on the floor. If you visit Montreal be sure to walk through the Palais des Congres and enjoy the exhibits and of course the coloured glass.

You can buy wall art from Here

Art Prints

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Caribbean Blue Window

I recently went to Cuba and spent sometime in Havana, a total photographers paradise where ever you point the lens of your camera there amazing sites to record, from the people to the architecture and then there is colour. As soon I saw this window I wanted to photograph it, the colours just cried out to be pictured. I always try and get close and reduce a scene to it's most interesting elements, many times excluding  areas that don't add to the design I have in my minds eye. This photograph does it for me being clean graphically and compelling because of the colour combinations. Next time you are in a city walk around you never know whats round the next corner.

Available to buy as wall art and greetings cards, just click the image:

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